How we set your rent

We complete an annual rent review every February and each household will receive a detailed personal letter.

Here are some of the questions we are most commonly asked about the rent review.

  • What will my rent be in 2025?

    From April 2025, your rent will go up by 2.7%.

    • Most rented homes - 2.7% per cent increase

    An example of this is:

    Current weekly rent of £125 

    125 x 2.7% = 3.38 

    125 + £3.38 = 128.38 

    New rent is £128.38.  

    Any service charges will be reviewed separately and a new fixed service charge will be set based on our expected costs. 

    • I am a shared owner, how is my rent calculated? 

    Shared ownership rent is calculated using the Retail Price Index (RPI) plus the percentage figure that is determined in your lease. This will normally be effective from April 2025, or the review date set in your lease. This will be explained in detail in your rent increase letter. 

    Any service charges will be reviewed separately and a new variable service charge will be estimated. 

  • How do I pay my rent?

    We offer a variety of payment options. See more on our 'How to pay your rent' page

  • When are the rent free weeks?

    The rent free weeks for 2025 are:

    • 7 April
    • 14 April
    • 22 December
    • 29 December

    Rent is payable in advance and your account should always be in credit unless you receive housing benefit or universal credit.

    If you owe us money you must continue paying through the rent catch up weeks.

    Extra care residents and residents on some other tenancies do not have rent catch-up weeks because their rent is calculated differently.

    If you pay by monthly direct debit, your payments will stay the same as the monthly amount is based on 48 weeks.

  • What do I do if I think my rent is too high or I can't afford it?

    We always follow the formula set by the government when setting rents. But, if you think your rent is too high for the size and location of your home, please contact us. 

    If you can't afford to pay your rent, please contact your income officer immediately to discuss the situation. If you don't know who your housing income officer is, or don't have their contact details, please call customer services on 01732 749400 or email and they will be able to help.

  • Why is my rent different to my neighbours?

    Your rent can be different for a number of reasons. The main factor is the dates you and your neighbour each moved into your properties.

    Over the years, rents have been calculated using various methods and so your neighbour's rent may have been calculated in the past based on a previous system.

  • I pay my rent by direct debit, do I need to do anything?

    No, we will recalculate your payments for you using your new rent charge and will send you a new payment schedule during March before anything is collected.

    If you receive housing benefit or universal credit then this may affect the direct debit collection amount. It is your responsibility to make sure the amount we collect covers the rest of your rent charge.

  • I receive universal credit, do I need to do anything?

    Yes, you will need to inform the Department of Work and Pensions of your new charges so they can reassess your claim. It is your responsibility to make sure your payments cover your rent charge.

  • I pay my rent by standing order, do I need to do anything?

    Yes, you will need to contact your bank personally and request your payments are amended in line with your new rent charge.

    It is your responsibility to make sure your payments cover your rent charge.