What you can expect us to do to keep your neighbourhoods clean and tidy.
We’re responsible for making sure that the community you live in is clean, safe and well-maintained, and our contractors carry out the work they’re paid to do. We want to work in partnership with you to keep your neighbourhood tidy, and a place you can be proud to call home.
That’s why we created a new set of estate standards from feedback from over 600 residents across Kent. The standards clearly set out what you can expect from us and allows you to hold us and our contractors to account when things aren’t going well.
Our standards are in partnership with our neighbourhood management policy.
Read our estate standards summary
About our standards rating system
We rate most of our estate standards as being one, two or three stars: three being the highest and one being the lowest rating. We’ve included pictures of what you can expect your neighbourhood to look like, along with some helpful information about each rating.
You Neighbourhood Housing Officer will check the standards of your estate in line with this document four times a year. They will take action where any areas do not meet a three-star rating. You're welcome to join these inspections, for more details visit www.westkent.org/estateinspections.
Become a resident inspector
Resident inspectors carry out regular inspections of our estates. You’ll submit feedback about your area, letting us know what’s good and what needs improving. We’ll feed back your suggestions to the teams that deliver these services.