Find out more about the West Kent Community Chest 

An overview of the West Kent Community Chest can be found below, including a brief history of the fund, the types of initiatives it can support, examples of recent awards, and details of the application process.

  • When was the West Kent Community Chest founded?

    The West Kent Community Chest (previously known as the Linda Hogan Community Fund) was founded in 2010. The fund is one way we support our residents and local groups to build successful and resilient communities.

    We can provide financial assistance to help get your project ideas off the ground and bring your community together.

  • What can the West Kent Community Chest provide funding for?

    We can provide financial support for a range of community projects and initiatives that benefit our residents. Typically they fall within one of the following categories:

    • Equipment - For example, funding for arts and crafts, games equipment or gardening equipment and tools
    • Events - We can provide funding for local community events and trips.
    • Services - We can fund services like exercise classes, warm spaces or educational classes.

  • A look at funding provided in recent years

    Funding from recent years

    • From 2010 to 2022, the Linda Hogan Fund issued grants totalling more than £191,000 to over 600 community projects.

    • From 2023 to 2024, the West Kent Community Chest awarded £43,998 to 50 community projects.

    • From 2024 to 2025, the West Kent Community Chest awarded £34,285 to 43 community projects.
  • Examples of recent awards

    🍽️ The Swanley Food Project, which provided foodbank supplies for the local Swanley community. The project is still running today under the name Swanley Community Hub and has secured further funding from other organisations.   

    🎨Hobby room furniture and equipment for Repton Court, Ashford, providing a fantastic range of activities for our residents and helping to tackle loneliness and isolation. 

    🗑️The Bulky Waste Project, which allowed our residents to dispose of bulky waste that may otherwise have been left in gardens or fly tipped.

    👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Autism family support sessions for our residents who care for a child or young person with autism. The sessions provided residents with educational information on autism, tips to help with sensory difficulties, assistance with understanding behaviours and sleep, and practical advice and emotional support.  

  • How to apply

    To apply, please complete our application form.

    It will take you around 30 minutes to complete. The form cannot be saved part-way through. 

    PLEASE NOTE: 'West Kent residents' relates to people living in one of our properties (either tenants, leaseholders or members of their households).

    Before proceeding, please ensure you have read our terms and conditions.