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    The definition of anti-social behaviour is defined by Section 2(1) of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 as:

    a) conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person,

    b) conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises, or

    c) conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.

    • What is anti-social behaviour?

      Anti-social behaviour is when someone acts in a way that causes alarm, harassment or distress to someone who isn’t part of their family or home. To be classed as anti-social, the behaviour must happen more than once, carry on over time and be something that could be stopped.

      It’s important to understand that we all make different lifestyle choices, and we sometimes need to accept some behaviour in others, even though we don’t like it.

      West Kent defines anti-social behaviour as:

      • Violence or threats of violence by tenants, their family or visitors
      • Acting in a way that causes, or is likely to cause harassment or distress to other people not of the same household
      • Harassment and intimidation including racial, homophobic and hate crime
      • Groups of people creating a threatening and intimidating atmosphere
      • Illegal drug use
      • Noise nuisance
      • Graffiti, fly posting, overgrown gardens, animals causing nuisance
      • Use of motor vehicles in an anti-social manner on our estates
      • Abandoned and untaxed vehicles on our land
      • Fly-tipping.
    • What you can do

      Talk to the person causing the problem as they may not know they’re upsetting you. You may be able to sort things out by just talking about it. When you do talk to the person, remember to:

      • Be calm and friendly and show you're happy to hear their point of view
      • Listen to what they have to say
      • Stay in control and don't shout, be abusive or aggressive
      • Politely walk away if you feel the person is becoming unreasonable.

      If you've tried talking to the person and it's made no difference, please contact us. We'll register your complaint and get a tenancy services officer to investigate the problem. 

      If your complaint is more serious, for example involving physical assaults, threats of harm, racial or other harassment, we will contact you within 24 working hours, but you should also contact the police.  

      Remember - if a crime is taking place you should always call the police on 999 right away.

    • What we will do

      If you’ve tried to talk to the person causing the problem, and it hasn’t worked, then do contact us. We’ll get in touch with you and talk through the problems. We'll give you diary sheets because you will need to keep a diary to evidence what is happening. We can't take action without evidence.

      We'll talk to you about the action we can take and the action you can take. We'll also speak to the person causing the problem because other people may be affected by their behaviour too. We’ll try to get all the information we can so we can decide with you what action to take. 

      We do take action against people causing anti-social behaviour in our properties.