• Inter-generational fun at Wellfield Memory Café

    Young and old are coming together as a group of two and three-year olds from a group named ‘Albie’s Ark’ have started regularly visiting Wellfield Memory Café


  • Edenbridge youth success

    Edenbridge Youth Forum have been awarded Community Action in the Sevenoaks District at this year’s Try Angle Awards. Nia Brown, a member of the Edenbridge Youth Forum and HOUSE project also received the Good Friends and Carers award.


  • Cheryl wins prestigious UK Youth award

    Cheryl Banks, Leader in Charge at our popular HOUSE project in Edenbridge recently won UK Youth’s prestigious ‘Youth Worker of the Year’ award, for her many years of hard work and dedication to young people in the Sevenoaks district.


  • Free tickets!

    We've got our hands on a number of tickets for the Pantos at: The Stag, Sevenoaks and Christ Church Community Hall, Ashford. To get your hands on them all we are asking is for you to complete an online questionnaire that should take no more than ten minutes.


  • Official opening of Woodlands Court, Swanley

    Sevenoaks MP Michael Fallon did the honours at our new Emerald scheme for over-55s at Woodlands Court, Swanley, where we have built 31 smart new apartments.


  • West Kent winners

    West Kent has scooped awards again in the annual Kent Housing Group (KHG) and Kent Joint Policy and Planning Board (JPPB) for Housing Excellence Awards.


  • Tell us what you really think...

    We are running a series of resident workshops giving you a chance to tell us what you really think of our services and tell us how we might improve.


  • We are on Instagram!

    Earlier this summer we launched our Instagram page with a social media competition for young people.


  • Platinum Housing Footprint awarded from RSPCA

    We are proud to be awarded a Platinum Housing Footprint in the RSPCA's 2018 Community Animal Welfare Footprints (CAWF) awards.


  • We're saying goodbye to back boilers

    Our iNHomes team are coming to an end of their five-year programme, where they have replaced 350 back boilers.