Breaking the law? Hand your keys in and we won't ask questions
We've joined June's Key Amnesty to persuade tenants who are defrauding the association to hand in their keys, no questions asked. But if someone else tells us first, it will be a different story....
Fun day raises £1200 for Memory Café
The dedicated and tireless team of volunteers at Wellfield community centre came together to mark Dementia Awareness week, raising £1200 for the Memory Café held at the hall.
Love Your Dog Roadshows
Whether you need help with ticks, tricks or treats, you can get advice, information and a whole range of freebies at one of our Dog Roadshows this summer.
We’re supporting Communities that Work week
West Kent, like other housing associations, doesn’t just provide homes, we provide a host of other community services, including helping people to find work. We’re celebrating that work by supporting Communities that Work week.
West Kent moves into Walderslade
Abacus Furniture Project has opened their third store in the heart of Walderslade Village, bringing the busy precinct its first charity shop.
West Kent's Chief Executive to retire at end of year
Frank Czarnowski, Chief Executive at West Kent will retire at the end of 2019.
Direct debits - making paying your rent easier
We are now offering ‘any day Direct Debits’ for people that pay their rent monthly, giving you more choice and control about when you pay your rent.
Fantastic QAF results for the Medway support team
West Kent’s floating support team based in Medway have been awarded top grades in their Quality Assurance Framework assessment.
New year, new director
We're welcoming new director Heather Brightwell, replacing Will Campbell-Wroe as Communities Director who left in December 2018.
Oh yes they did!
Sevenoaks residents and their families were treated to free tickets to this year’s Pantomime Dick Whittington at The Stag Theatre on Friday 21 November 2018.