West Kent surveys
We know there are lots of surveys being sent to our residents this year. We wanted to explain what they are, and why we're carrying these out, and who will contact you.
Tpas win for West Kent!
West Kent has won Tpas ‘Excellence in Tenant Communication Award’ for a project that saw residents shaping a new domestic abuse policy.
Summer success in the Sevenoaks district
The youth team was back in full fun day flow this summer attending seventeen events across the Sevenoaks district and hosting two residentials.
West Kent has been shortlisted for two UK Housing Awards!
We're so proud to have been shortlisted for campaign of the year and digital landlord of the year.
New development in Faversham wins Best Large Development award
The Anderson Group has won an award at the First Time Buyer Awards 2021 for the development at Oare Lakes, created in partnership with West Kent.
Green fingers and cooking connoisseurs
Money donated from Stanhope Community Centre has given Lantern House residents the skills to plant, grow and cook their own food.
Rant and Rave!
We’re working with a company called Rant and Rave to find out how we’re doing through regular text message and email surveys.
Worried about the end of furlough?
With the furlough scheme ending at the end of September, we know people might be worried about the future.
We've been shortlisted for TWO TPAS awards!
West Kent's communications and engagement team and domestic abuse campaign have been shortlisted for this year's awards.