West Kent has scooped awards again in the annual Kent Housing Group (KHG) and Kent Joint Policy and Planning Board (JPPB) for Housing Excellence Awards.

star shaped Excellence AwardThe KHG & JPPB Excellence Awards 2018 were founded in 2010 and celebrate the very best partnerships, projects and staff who help to make a difference to the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our county. The awards are sponsored by Golding Homes, Clarion Housing Group, Moat, TCHG, English Rural Housing, Kent Developers Group, Paramount Independent Property Services (PIP), Optivo and West Kent Housing Association.

With close to 60 nominations across eight categories, the judges looked for entries that demonstrated best practice, positive outcomes and a joined up approach to providing services. On 19 September shortlisted entrants were invited to the Hilton Hotel in Maidstone to receive their awards.

The ‘Excellent Housing Professional’ award went to West Kent's Rachael Salvesen to recognise her work at Copperfields, our Extra Care accommodation in Ramsgate. Working in partnership with many local groups Rachael has built a thriving and inclusive community that is not just home to 62 households over the age of 55, but provides the venue for several cross generational community groups and individuals, who come to take advantage of Copperfields' superb facilities and join in with the regular residents' activities.

Winner in the ‘Excellent Community Project’ category was Wellfield Community Centre where Veronica (Vee) McGannon together with KCC’s Community Warden Jackie West provide an ongoing programme of activities that engage and support the whole community. A resident of Wellfield, our sheltered housing scheme in Hartley, Kent, Vee has been instrumental in raising funds for local charities and community events include a monthly memory café for people with dementia and their carers, and bringing local youngsters in for events. 

Highly commended in the ‘Excellence in Delivering Services for Vulnerable People’ category was KSAS (Kent Support & Assistance Service). KSAS receives approved applications from Kent County Council for people at a point of crisis for many reasons, anything from being flooded or having had a fire, coming out of an abusive relationship, leaving prison or having benefit sanctions imposed. The award was collected by Nicola Singlewood who single-handedly co-ordinates the service.

Our inspiring young team members Natasha Adams, Jessica Starr and Emily Hammond, were all highly commended in the 'Excellent Young Achiever' category. Jess and Natasha started with us on apprenticeship programmes and Emily joined us in Customer Services. All three have quickly established themselves as a solid members of their teams and have all demonstrated extraordinary motivation and commitment to West Kent's values.

We're very proud of all our nominees - full details of the awards can be found on the Kent Housing Group website.

Rachael Salvesen - Excellent Housing Professional

West Kent secures £30m of new loan funding from the Affordable Homes Guarantee Scheme to support ambitious plans to develop new homes

The new £30m funding is part of the Affordable Homes Guarantee Scheme from Homes England and will support our ambitions to build more affordable homes across Kent in the coming years.


35 years of West Kent: winning the Tpas ‘Excellence in Tenant Communication Award’

As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign, we’re focusing on the support our teams have provided to our residents and communities. In 2021, we were proud to win the Tpas ‘Excellence in Tenant Communication Award’ for a co-creation project that saw residents shaping our new domestic abuse policy.