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    280 new homes delivered in partnership by West Kent, will provide much needed affordable homes for families across Kent.

    We are ambitious about creating places to live and giving our current and future residents space to grow. Over the year our teams have been busy working with partners to ensure new homes are ready for residents, offering a range of housing options to best suit their needs.

    The 280th home milestone was met at Freemen's Way in Deal, where the last shared ownership homes were completed in late November. The homes were developed in partnership with Dandara South East and includes a mix of two and three-bedroom homes, providing residents with a range of affordable housing options.

    Towards the end of this year, we also completed a development on Stoke Road in Hoo. Delivered in partnership with Taylor Wimpey it includes a mixture of both two and three-bedroom flats for rent and shared ownership.

    Anabel Palmer, Executive Director of Development and Partnerships at West Kent said; “We are committed to creating new homes for our current and future residents across Kent. The completions at both Freemans Way and Stoke Road mark the end of one of the most successful years for our development and homeownership teams in providing new homes across the county. This year has included repurposing Brownfield land, delivering high quality new homes for social rent, affordable rent, and shared ownership, as well as working in new partnerships with developers. Our hope is that by creating a range of housing options and high-quality neighbourhoods we create a sense of pride and involvement for our residents. This is a wonderful way to end the year and we have ambitious plans for further homes in 2024 across Kent.”

    Images below - a selection of new homes from West Kent in Deal and Hoo.



    35 years of West Kent - Melvin’s Path to Housing Stability

    With housing stability being a challenge for many, West Kent remains committed to providing inclusive homes residents can be proud of. Melvin, a resident living in Edenbridge for over 30 years, shares his journey to finding a stable home and strong sense of community.


    35 years of West Kent: reflecting on our commitment to provide excellent and adapted services to our older residents. 

    As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign we are reflecting on the milestones that have shaped us over the years, including the impact of our sheltered schemes for our residents.