We know the extreme weather and the cost of living are making heating homes more challenging than before. To help you keep warm and look after your home, we have a list of top tips to help you this winter. 

A picture of a heating thermostat

  • Where possible leave your heating on a low temperature as this can ensure your home stays warm and can prevent frozen pipes, which can occur in some cases. 
  • Set your heating to come on just before you get up and switch off after you've gone to bed. If it's very cold, set your heating to come on earlier and turn off later rather than turning the thermostat up. 
  • If you can't heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room throughout the day and your bedroom just before you go to bed. Remember to close curtains, blinds and doors to keep heat in the rooms you use most. 
  • Consider adding draft excluders to maximise the heat in the house and minimise drafts and cold getting in. 
  • Ensure extractor fans are switched on. 
  • If you have them, do no cover air bricks. 
  • Use trickle vents on your windows (if you have them) or slightly open windows during the day to aid ventilation. 
  • Avoid using tumble dryers that ventilate into the property. 

For more information on tackling damp, mould and condensation in your home, please visit here. 

If you are struggling to heat your home, pay your bills or need further support, remember we are here for you. Visit the Help for you page for more information. 

Staff training - Tuesday 1 April

Our customer services team will not be available from 8am to 1pm tomorrow, 1 April 2025, due to staff training. Our out of hours provider will take any emergency calls during this time. If you have an emergency, please call 0800 169 1122 as usual.


West Kent progresses the development of the new Woodland Place community, set to provide 106 new homes

Woodland Place is the newly branded scheme in Allington, Maidstone, and sits on the land known as Castor Park. The new development is currently in construction and is set to provide over 100 new homes for with a mix of social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership tenures.