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    A total of 118 awards have been earned this year and once again West Kent is proud to be one of ten housing organisations in the country to receive a gold Housing Footprint award. We have received the gold award for the fifth year running due to our proactive approach to encouraging our residents to be responsible dog owners.
    The RSPCA developed the awards scheme in 2008 to encourage and celebrate excellent practices by rewarding those organisations who go above and beyond statutory service requirements to achieve higher animal welfare standards.

    This year we have continued to work in partnership with local organisations, ensuring animals kept in our properties are well cared for. Our proactive approach to dog fouling has continued too, erecting posters on dog fouling, delivering our anti-social behaviour poster campaigns and chalk stencilling the pavements with ‘clear up after your dog’ messages in hotspot areas.

    Rachel Williams, senior parliamentary advisor for the RSPCA said: “I am so delighted that so many organisations have maintained or bettered their CAWF award this year, and very encouraged to see new entries too - many congratulations to all the winning organisations.

    “In the current economic climate, it is by no means easy for organisations to come up with, fund and give manpower to protect and improve animal welfare within their communities, so our awards are their chance to shine and be recognised for the difference they are making.

    “The Footprints are the only awards available that recognise the hard work of local authorities, social housing providers and public sector bodies on animal welfare, so it is great to be able to offer this for the ninth year now, to reward the hard work that organisations do to improve animal welfare.”

    Mandie Stallard, West Kent’s Community Safety Officer said: “We have worked hard over the past few years to build up relationships with partners and residents and to monitor areas for increased complaints of animal nuisance. Our close partnership with Sevenoaks District Council’s animal control officer continues, carrying out joint visits to check on animals living in our properties.

    “As a result of this work complaints of animal nuisance we’ve received have almost halved since 2014.”

    For more information about the CAWF awards visit the website.

    35 years of West Kent, working in partnership to make a difference

    West Kent partners with Brenwards and local organisations to create a sensory garden in Ramsgate.


    35 years of West Kent – Veronica's story

    In our next story for our history and legacy theme, hear from Veronica, who has over 30 years of service at West Kent.