On Sunday 23 April 2023, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service.

Emergency Alerts is a UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby. In an emergency, your mobile phone or tablet will receive an alert with advice about how to stay safe.

What happens when you get an emergency alert 

Your mobile phone or tablet may:

  • make a loud siren-like sound, even if it’s set on silent or vibrate
  • read out the alert
  • keep sounding until you have acknowledged the alert.

The sound and vibration will last for about ten seconds. Watch this video for an example of what the alert will be like.

The alert could pose a risk to those experiencing domestic abuse who for their safety have a secret phone.

Refuge has shared a video with instructions on how to turn off the emergency alerts on both Android and iPhone. You can also turn your phone off or on airplane mode to stop the alert sounding.


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