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    Whether you need help with ticks, tricks or treats, you can get advice, information and a whole range of freebies at one of our Dog Roadshows this summer.

    On the last Friday of every month Ann-Marie, Sevenoaks District Council’s Animal Control Officer, and our Community Safety team visit towns and villages in the Sevenoaks district to deliver the Love Your Dog Roadshow. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, the team gives advice on everything from flea treatment to behaviour. They offer a free microchipping service, microchip check and even free poo bags.Yellow dog poster

    Mandie Stallard, Community Safety Officer told us, “the roadshows are really helpful for dog owners. They help people understand more about being a responsible pet owner and managing common problems such as barking.”

    By promoting initiatives like the Yellow Dog campaign, the team can have honest discussions with dog owners about their dog’s behaviour. Yellow Dog encourages dog owners to mark their dogs lead or collar with a yellow ribbon to show other dog walkers and pedestrians that their dog needs some space it could be because your dog is unwell, grumpy or in season. 

    Further information about other upcoming events can be found on our event page.


    35 years of West Kent - Melvin’s Path to Housing Stability

    With housing stability being a challenge for many, West Kent remains committed to providing inclusive homes residents can be proud of. Melvin, a resident living in Edenbridge for over 30 years, shares his journey to finding a stable home and strong sense of community.


    35 years of West Kent: reflecting on our commitment to provide excellent and adapted services to our older residents. 

    As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign we are reflecting on the milestones that have shaped us over the years, including the impact of our sheltered schemes for our residents.