West Kent has continued to provide excellent services to its residents, extend its range of successful partnerships and deliver effectively on its statutory and regulatory responsibilities throughout 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Highlights for the year have included:

  • Achieving an operating margin of 36%, an interest cover of 277% and surplus for the financial year of £13.2m.
  • Providing our services in our Emerald (over 55s) and supported housing schemes in a Covid safe way and delivering our Kent Excellent Homes For
  • All contract key performance indicators
  • Supporting our residents through a challenging year which saw a significant increase in mental health issues and community safety cases, achieving arrears of 2.07% (compared with 1.9% last year and against 3% target)
  • Achieving 95.9% delivery on our repairs promise (compared with 93% last year and 94% target), completing a review of building safety compliance, delivering great performance on our gas servicing
  • Successfully taking our resident engagement online, bringing in £1.3m of third party investment for our communities (compared to £1.3m last year and £1.3m target), helping 28 people into work, delivering 358 youth sessions online
  • Retaining the top awards of G1 and V1 by the Regulator
    Increasing our homes in management with acquisitions from Stonewater and 159 newly developed homes, investing £39m in new homes, achieving £12.5m through the sale of 112 shared ownership home

Chief Executive Tracy Allison comments:“This annual report sets out the incredible things achieved in 2020 by West Kent. I am proud to be leading this organisation and continue to be awed and inspired by our staff and the efforts they continue to make to provide the best service we can to our residents.”

Read our full Report and Consolidated Financial Statements.

35 years of West Kent: Joanna’s route to shared ownership

As part of 35 years of West Kent, we’re proud to celebrate some of the stories from our residents. Joanna, one of our residents moved into her home back in 2024. year ago.


35 years of West Kent: Rodrick’s & Doreen’s stories

As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign, we are celebrating different stories from our residents. Rodrick and Doreen are residents at White Oak Court. White Oak Court in Swanley has been a vital part of the community for over 30 years. Since 2018, it has provided housing with extra care services, currently supporting over 56 residents.