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    How we respond to bad weather

    When there are heavy snowfalls, our grounds maintenance contractor will work with us to grit priority locations. Residents can also help by using salt from local salt bins to make local paths safe. Please call our customer services team if your local West Kent salt bin is running low on salt.

    During severe weather events, West Kent will focus on dealing with emergency response so planned appointments may need to be re-arranged for a later date. If we need to move your appointment, we will contact you. In this instance West Kent does not pay the £20 missed appointment compensation.

    These events also put high demand on our phone system so you may experience delays. If your enquiry is not urgent please consider phoning later or emailing You can also contact us on Twitter and Facebook. 

    Contact us

    Are you prepared for a big freeze this winter?

    If your pipes freeze there is little we can do to fix it that you can't do yourself. So before calling us out try these self-help tips. 

    To avoid frozen or burst pipes and flooding:

    • Keep your home reasonably warm day and night by leaving your central heating on low and using your timer, even if you are going away.
    • Leave your loft hatch open if you can to allow heat into the loft space.
    • Never leave a tap dripping.
    • Check that the stopcock works so that you can turn off the water if there is a burst. It is usually in the kitchen or bathroom. If you can’t find it, or if it is leaking or you can’t turn it off, contact customer services on 01732 749400. Please be aware that if you go away and don’t turn the water off and drain the system we may ask you to pay the cost of putting right any damage caused by a burst pipe.

    Thawing frozen boiler condensate pipes:

    Your boiler may have started to make some unusual noises which normally you wouldn't hear. Freezing cold weather can cause external boiler condensate pipes to freeze, which can prevent the boiler from working. Defrost frozen boiler condensate pipes carefully. There are many YouTube videos showing how to do this such as this video from Worcester Bosch group.

    Burst pipes:

    If a pipe bursts in your home, turn the water off at the mains stopcock right away. Call 0800 169 1122 and we will attend as an emergency.

    Burst pipes – and the flooding and mess caused - is a horrible experience at the best of times, but it’s even worse if you are not insured. The advice above should reduce the risk of a burst pipe happening, but your number one priority should be to make sure you are insured – just in case. Remember, West Kent does not insure your furniture, belongings or decorations against flood, theft, fire, vandalism or any other household risks. We only insure the building – not the contents.

    For more advice on dealing with cold weather visit the Kent County Council media hub.


    Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

    35 years of West Kent - Melvin’s Path to Housing Stability

    With housing stability being a challenge for many, West Kent remains committed to providing inclusive homes residents can be proud of. Melvin, a resident living in Edenbridge for over 30 years, shares his journey to finding a stable home and strong sense of community.


    35 years of West Kent: reflecting on our commitment to provide excellent and adapted services to our older residents. 

    As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign we are reflecting on the milestones that have shaped us over the years, including the impact of our sheltered schemes for our residents.