West Kent partners with Brenwards and local organisations to create a sensory garden in Ramsgate.

We are proud of the variety of older persons schemes we have across Kent that provide excellent care and services to our residents over the age of 55. In recent years we have worked with our building and electrical contractor Brenwards to create a unique space for relaxation and reflection for residents and their families at Copperfields in Ramsgate.

Initial planning by the residents at Copperfields began several years ago but was delayed due to the pandemic. The sensory garden was completed in 2022, with the support of Brenwards who carried out the building works as part of their social value commitment to West Kent.

Neil Diddams, Executive Director of Property and Assets at West Kent said; “We have a long-standing partnership with Brenwards, who provide our building and electricals services. As part of this relationship, Brenwards provides social value funding towards various projects and initiatives that benefit West Kent residents and communities. The sensory garden at Copperfields is just one example of this and over the last two years, it has gone from strength to strength in providing a dynamic and engaging outdoor environment for residents and their families to enjoy.”

Landscape photo of Copperfields sensory garden.

Photo of staff and residents enjoying the sensory garden at Copperfields.
(See images above of the sensory garden being enjoyed by residents and staff, photo credit, West Kent Housing Association).

A special thank you to the community-based organisation, Starlings Support CIC for providing lots of support with the sensory garden project. This includes incorporating Copperfields within its wider community projects run through the Newington Big Local and the Creative Newington projects.

As part of our 35 years of West Kent campaign, we are keen to showcase our commitment to developing excellent services in partnership.

To find out more about the positive impact the garden has on residents and the local community, please watch the video below.




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