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    To apply, please complete the form below. It will take you around 30 minutes to complete. The form can not be saved part-way through.  

    If you have any questions, or need help completing the application form, please contact our Funding Administrator, Angela Jenner, by emailing or calling 01732 749420.

    If your application is unsuccessful, we can provide feedback.

    Application for funding

    Mandatory requirements

    Community groups should only use this route if the group is NOT formally established e.g you do not have a committee / governing members

    Mandatory requirements

    Sorry, you are not eligible to apply for the West Kent Community Chest. This fund is only for projects where the majority of people taking part are West Kent Housing Association tenants

    About your organisation
    Please enter without spaces
    please select one

    Tell us about your project
    please select a maximum of three

    When answering this question, please think about how this supports our priorities listed above
    For example, you could ask participants to complete a feedback form
    You may apply for a maximum of £500 for un-constituted groups or £1,000 for groups with a constitution. Larger grants are available by invitation only
    We aren’t looking for a breakdown of costs for your whole project, just the grant amount. The breakdown amount should add up to the amount you’ve asked for. For example: gazebo hire £50, raffle prizes, 10 at £10 each = £100, tea and coffee £50, Facebook advertising £20. Total = £220
    Please provide a copy of your most recent set of accounts. If you’re a small organisation, this can be in the form of a spreadsheet showing your income and expenditure. If you’re a new group, we would accept a proposed budget for your activity.
    Please provide your account number, sort-code and the name in which the account is held
    Health & Safety

    Please upload a copy of your organisation's safeguarding policies
    Please upload a valid public liability insurance certificate

    As part of the grant application process, West Kent will use your personal information to process your application for funding. To find out more about how we use personal data and your rights under data protection legislation, our privacy notice can be found on our website,
    Equal Opportunities Statement All individuals involved in our project will be treated in a fair and equal manner and in accordance with the law regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.

    I confirm to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information in this application form is true and correct and agree to the terms and conditions of the West Kent Community Chest

    Let us know you're human.